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4. Writing Paper Abstracts



 General definition

Abstraction is the inductive process of omitting all non-essential information and secondary aspects, and then generalizing them, to make the more fundamental structures visible. This inductive process contains the similarity between the basis of the term abstract art and the term abstract that is used internationally by academics.


Academic abstract

In academia, an abstract can have two meanings. It can be a short summary of an academic article, paper or research, or it can serve as a response to a Call for Papers.


1. The short summary aims to quickly inform the reader of the content. It should give potential readers a quick insight into the content of the article.

            This type of abstract contains:

            - the purpose of your research

            - your methods

            - the results and conclusions of your academic research


An abstract is included at the beginning of the research report. The length of the abstract is somewhat dependent on the total length of your research, although you should always try to keep the abstract as short and concise as possible. After reading the abstract, the reader determines whether they will read the paper.


2. An abstract is also used in response to a Call for Papers. In it, a publisher of a bundle or an academic journal or an organizer of a conference calls on academics to send in a proposal for a contribution. They can respond by means of an abstract. This is, as it were, their 'application' for participation.

            This type of abstract contains:

  • the context

  • the specific research problem

  • the key themes and case studies

  • the result: the most important point or the contribution to the development of the academic field that the article or presentation will make

  • the word count as required in the Call

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