BA Art History
You must come up with and write the text of your paper yourself. Copying passages from secondary literature will not be accepted; neither will quoting large pieces of text from other authors. Quote only when absolutely necessary. If you use quotes or paraphrase, you must explicitly mention the name of the writer in the text, put the quote between quotation marks and list the source in a note.
With the introduction of the computer, Internet and Optical Character Recognition software (OCR) it has become much easier to copy information from third parties without a reference. In this case, you are committing plagiarism. This is true for literally copied passages and literal translations from books, journals or the Internet, even if the source is mentioned in a note. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. It goes without saying that papers by other students, or parts thereof, cannot be turned in under your own name. These typically easily traceable forms of plagiarism are not only prohibited, they will negatively affect your academic results.
Regulations Faculty of Humanities